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Company level emission reporting

See how Ducky Insights API can be used for certifications and greenhouse gas emission reporting (scope 1-3) in order to fulfill supplier requirements

Many companies are required to certify and report greenhouse gas emissions to be eligible for tenders and to fulfill supplier requirements. We can help you document your company's greenhouse gas emissions from data already available in your IT systems. 

In the below overview you can see which data is needed to produce the emission reports that are required in most standards. Click to read more about our API endpoints and what data you need:


Reporting requirements

Relevant data

API endpoints

Scope 1 

Direct emissions from transport and fuel for heating. Read more about the scope 1 standard.

Amount of fuel, distance or time, per mode of transport

Report scope 1 emissions according to the GHG protocol.

Scope 2

Indirect emissions from purchased energy. Read more about the scope 2 standard.

Consumption per energy source

Report scope 2 emissions according to the GHG protocol.

Scope 3

Indirect emissions not covered by scope 2, including upstream and downstream. Read more about the scope 3 standard.

Monetary transactions or data from inventory systems or log book systems

Report scope 3 emissions according to the GHG protocol.


Why the urgency?

The EU's taxonomy for sustainable finance and CSRD requirements take effect from January 1st 2024, and the largest companies operating in the EU will be required to document their scope 1-3 emissions (click here to read more). This means that suppliers will also have to deliver climate data to their customers in the EU. Climate impact is on track to be as readily available as financial information - where and when decisions are made!

What additional value do you get?

Through our simple API implementations you can calculate emissions (Scope 1-3) through the IT systems you already use. Ducky delivers continuously updated data, high accuracy, quick implementation, guaranteed maintenance and a lower cost than comparable solutions. 

This job can of course be done manually, with the support of consultants using scientific data sets, or using some reporting platforms. Ducky instead offers dynamic information to your existing systems - and we can guarantee that our numbers cover the demands of full Scope 3 reporting. We control for variability of emission factors over time and location, and for all value chain steps (production, transport, storage, packaging, waste, sales and consumption).

Ducky doesn't require sensitive information about your company and we don't store any data permanently in our systems. As a Ducky API customer you retain full control of your own data.

Once you've established good quality climate data, we can help you create additional value from you investments in data infrastructure. Ducky offers solutions for consumers, communicating greenhouse gas emissions in a simple and understandable way and nudging sustainable behavior.

If you're unable to implement an API solution yourself, you can turn to one of the IT providers who handle your data today. IT providers can use our API endpoints to deliver the greenhouse gas reports you need. Also read more about systems for greenhouse gas reporting.

Contact us on support@ducky.eco to get started!