Terms of Use for the Ducky Challenge

Welcome as a user of the Ducky Challenge!

This agreement regulates the terms of use for the Ducky Challenge intended for the users joining a Ducky Challenge via their organisation. It’s voluntary to provide information to our services such as creating an account and logging activities. In order to create a user account in the Ducky Challenge  you have to accept these terms.  

During the registration process, you will also be required to accept  our Privacy Policy. This is where you will get information on how we treat your data securely, our general guidelines and where you will get contact details for our Data Protection Officer.

Governing law

This agreement is subject to Norwegian law.

The parties agree that any disputes related to the Agreement or assignments regulated by the Agreement shall be settled in Sør-Trøndelag District Court.

Users rights

Ducky retains all right, title and interest in the Ducky Platform and additional services including name, logo or other marks. This includes intellectual property rights, modifications, improvements and upgrades thereof. The user agrees not to use such material from Ducky without the written permission of Ducky. This permission shall not be deemed unreasonable back.


As a user of Ducky and our services, you have the right to delete your user account at any time and thereby have all information about yourself deleted. Your user is immediately deleted and we cannot retrieve information about you any longer. If you choose to delete your Ducky user account, we will anonymise any data about yourself.

If you choose to create a new Ducky account, you’ll get a new user-ID linked to your account information. It will not retrieve information or be linked to your previous account.

Ducky’s responsibilities

Technical support hours

Support requests can be sent to the following email address: support@ducky.eco. Answers from the support team can be expected within the working hours. Our office hours are all working days from Monday-Friday between 08.00-16.00 Oslo time. 

Supported browsers

We try to support as many browsers as possible while still being able to use modern web technologies to provide the best experience to our users. This means that we support any up-to-date browser for any operating system.

A complete list of our supported browsers can be found here

User’s responsibilities

Valid user groups

By creating a user Ducky account, you confirm that you fall under one of our intended user groups. Our services are intended for individuals participating in a Ducky Challenge via their organisation, and are not intended for children under the age of 15. 

Valid applications and communication

Ducky shall make guidelines for the correct use of the Ducky and climate communication available to you. You shall, as far as possible, comply with the guidelines in force at all times. You must not deliberately deviate from the guidelines without the Ducky’s written consent.

Submitting information to activate functionality

We only ask for information that is necessary for our services to work optimally. We ask you to fill in certain information in order to activate functionality, for example:

  • Account creation. To create an account you provide data such as your email address and a password. 

  • Profile. You must add some basic information about yourself such as a username. You also have the possibility to add a profile picture.

Adapting to new software versions

As a result of further developments and improvements, it will at times be necessary for Ducky to update software services to a new version. Existing functionality might become unavailable and new functionality might be made available. You are expected to adapt to such changes.

Acknowledgement of  Ducky as a Supplier

It should be made clear that Ducky is the Supplier of the data in any solution or communication materials you develop. You must adhere to Ducky's brand and marketing guidelines where such information is made available.

User testimonials and comments

We may ask for user testimonials and comments on our social media, which may contain personal information. We will ask each user’s consent prior to posting name and testimonial. 

Information about usage

Where applicable, you agree to provide true, accurate and complete information about the traffic, End User usage, and other relevant data necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement. You also consent to Ducky gathering such information through software solutions.

Independence of the parties

The parties shall act as independent in all contexts. No party has the opportunity to act on behalf of the other party or to bind the other party without its express consent.

Confidentiality clause

Except as expressly authorised under this Agreement or by Ducky in writing, you shall not disclose or provide Ducky service access to any other than to your colleagues, group members or independent contractors, provided such independent contractors enter into an agreement with you at least as protective of Ducky’s rights as this Agreement.

The parties undertake to maintain confidentiality with regard to unauthorised persons regarding confidential information and matters of which they become aware in connection with this Agreement. This applies in particular to information about the Parties' business affairs, internal affairs, strategy, project plans and intellectual property rights. The Parties undertake to exercise the utmost care with the Parties' correspondence, contracts, and agreements so that unauthorised persons do not become aware of the content. With the exception of the duty to provide information to public authorities.

Ducky is obliged to process data, including personal data, on behalf of Licensee in accordance with the regulations that apply to the handling of such data at all times. Ducky undertakes to process data on behalf of Licensee in accordance with the data processor agreement entered into between the Parties, if any.


Please find below the different forms of security we employ on our app.

Ducky system security

We secure the information you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. All personal information is protected using appropriate physical, technical and organisational measures.

Secure usage

Ducky user accounts require a username and a password to login. You must keep your username and password secure, and don’t disclose it to a third party. Account passwords are encrypted, meaning that we can’t see your passwords. This means that we don’t resend forgotten passwords, we only reset them.

Protection against malicious attacks

You commit to take necessary precautions to prevent erroneous use and malicious attacks on Ducky. As protection against such serious deviation, Ducky reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the use of user accounts, for example if the number of requests per second exceeds reasonable limits.

Copyright notice

Ducky owns all rights, title, and interest in and to our services and their output, like progress visualisation widgets, downloadable reports and content delivered through our Ducky Challenge and Ducky API. This includes intellectual property rights, modifications, improvements and upgrades thereof. The user agrees not to use such material from Ducky without the written permission of Ducky. This permission shall not be deemed unreasonable back.

You get and retain usage rights to output data like widgets, reports and content delivered through our platform, for example your user’s registered changes in climate footprint, also after this agreement expires. Derived outputs are in any case bound by the Agreement's other guidelines also after the termination of the agreement, and can therefore not be used for new commercial purposes or in contexts that may damage Ducky’s credibility.

Terminating the relationship

How long we keep information we collect about you depends on the type of information and the purpose of processing. We retain personal information that you provide to us as long as we have an ongoing relationship with you. 

When you create your Ducky account to manage your user profile, we look at our relationship as an ongoing one, and will keep it until you choose to delete it.

Refund policy

We do not offer refunds towards the end users of the Ducky Challenge.