Use cases in the energy sector

API functionality for companies in the energy sector

Who is it for?

You handle energy consumption and have a digital interface for your customers, or deliver IT systems to the energy sector. Use cases range from energy utilities to IT systems for energy management or services for smart houses and electric car charging.

You handle some relevant data in your systems, be it an amount of energy or fuel per energy source, use patterns or habits related to energy consumption.

You can sell more of your climate friendly products and services while helping customers reduce their climate footprints, fulfilling GHG reporting requirements as you go.

Brief introduction to functionality

Conversion of energy to footprint

Calculate footprints from energy use or savings from more sustainable energy use. Read more on our support pages.

Calculation of footprint for energy

Calculate the cost and footprint of energy use from personal information and registered energy use data. This can show actual change in footprint over time and savings from sustainable measures. Read more on our support pages.

Comparison of footprints

Make comparisons between a user's expenses and footprint from energy use and a relevant average person. This can be used to set goals or effectively influence user behavior in context, for example in a smart home app. Read more on our support pages.

Personalised saving tips

Provide a user with personalised tips for more climate friendly energy consumption, along with possible savings, calculated from simple questions. Read more on the support pages. This can be used during the purchase process, for example in a smart home app that offers energy upgrades.

Translate footprints to everyday examples 

See how Ducky's translates can help explain and contextualize climate footprint with everyday examples. Read more on our support pages.



Frequently asked questions about energy footprint

How is footprint calculated from energy data?

Footprints are calculated by multiplying energy consumption in kilowatt hours or the amount of fuel by a factor that describes how much CO2e is emitted per unit.

Many actors choose an emission factor for electricity that “looks best”, and market themselves as "guaranteed renewable", "emission-free" or "fossil-free". Ducky, together with leading research groups in Norway, believes this is misleading. We use average emission factors for power production in Europe. This picture shows that the emissions from electricity consumption are significant and that energy saving measures have a great effect.

How accurate is my energy footprint?

Ducky can either convert data about your energy consumption into footprint (for example, the number of kWh on the electricity bill) or estimate your energy footprint based on questions about your household and habits. We base our data on very detailed average figures for energy use in different types of households from Ducky Footprints.

How can I reduce my energy footprint?

First and foremost, your energy footprint can be reduced by saving electricity! Simple as that. It's possible to "remove" your footprint by buying, for example, carbon offsets - but this might be  a nice thing to do in addition to saving energy. Read more about carbon offsets here.

What does it mean that I buy guarantees of origin?

Guarantees of origin act as donations to power companies that produce renewable energy, but do not currently provide any direct environmental benefits. Read more about Ducky's position on guarantees of origin.