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  2. Mobility data
  3. Introduction to mobility data

Mobility data overview

Gain a holistic overview of today's transport patterns and footprints for a selected area

In collaboration with Telia, Kogenta, and Geodata, we offer extensive mobility data to understand the transport dynamics in selected areas. Our data provides insights into current transportation trends and its environmental effects, allowing you to document the impact of your actions and support progress towards objectives like:

  • Reduction of direct emissions from transport in an area
  • Zero growth commitments from city growth agreements
  • Reversing the transport pyramid
  • Increasing the market penetration of sustainable transport services

What data can we deliver?

Click on the linked articles in order to see more details on API inputs and outputs, what data we can deliver and read more about data sources and calculations:

  • Track transport indicators
    • The average resident's travel habits, using various modes of transportation, in each neighbourhood
    • Information on demographics and vehicle ownership for all neighbourhoods
    • Available as both API and file delivery
  • Comparison of transport footprints
    • The average climate footprint from transport per resident, per purpose, in each neighborhood
    • Available both as API and file delivery
  • Trip data
    • The distribution of different modes of transportation in and out of an area
    • The distance of travel to and from various destinations from an area
    • The climate footprint of travel to and from an area
    • Soon available, first as file delivery

How do we deliver the data?

Data can be accessed through established Geodata systems, directly via our API, or by receiving a CSV file. When opting for a CSV file, take note of the following options:

  • Data Structure
    • Each row in the dataset corresponds to a distinct area and contains the following data points:

      areaId, areaName, footprint_privateVehicles_work_kgCO2e, footprint_privateVehicles_other_kgCO2e, footprint_boat_work_kgCO2e, footprint_boat_other_kgCO2e, footprint_bus_work_kgCO2e, footprint_bus_other_kgCO2e, footprint_train_work_kgCO2e, footprint_train_other_kgCO2e, footprint_plane_work_kgCO2e, footprint_plane_other_kgCO2e,  kmFlownDomestic, kmFlownContinental, kmFlownInterncontinental, kmDrivenPerPersonForWork, kmDrivenPerPersonForOther, kmByBoatPerPersonForWork, kmByBoatPerPersonForOther, kmByBusPerPersonForWork, kmByBusPerPersonForOther, kmByTrainPerPersonForWork, kmByTrainPerPersonForOther, fossilCarsPerCapita, electricCarsPerCapita, hybridCarsPerCapita, childPopulation, adultPopulation
  • Time resolution: Monthly/Yearly
    • The dataset can be delivered with either monthly or yearly resolution. 
    • When delivered  with a yearly, it's important to note that indicators represent the yearly average per month, while footprint values represent the yearly aggregates (sum over all the months in the year).
  • Areal average: National/County/Municipality/Custom Area
    • The dataset may include area averages, allowing comparison with the entire country, a specific county or municipality, or a custom-defined area.  In this case, a weighted average is performed over the selected areas, based on their population.
  • Inheritance
    • Each indicator in the dataset is calculated based on data sources with varying resolutions. Some indicators rely on national-level data, resulting in lower accuracy. For instance, 'flightKmContinental' is calculated using national-level statistics and is expected to be the same for all areas within a given month.