How do we host a kick-off?

In this article you will find a guide on how to host a kick-off for the participants.

Are you ready to introduce Ducky Challenge to your entire team? Host a kick-off event to get the rest of your team onboard!

A kick-off is a great opportunity to do something social with your team and set the direction together. Ideally, you are able to gather everyone in one place or with a video conference. You, as a project manager, can work together with the team leaders whether you should have a joint kick-off, or whether it should be internal for each team.

We recommend that you start the kick-off by explaining why you want to focus more on sustainability, the purpose of participating in challenges and how you will compete. The project manager or team leader must first ensure that everyone is a registered user, and start the challenge at the same time. If you have a prize, this is a perfect opportunity to share what it is.

Here are some additional talking points you can add to the mix:

  • Introduce the Ducky Challenge - What is it? Who can join? When is it happening?
  • Log into the Ducky Challenge Platform and get started together.
  • Make sure you have the challenge widget up and running so that you can see the activities you log in real time.
  • Provide participants with resources such as how to join a Ducky Challenge, how to compete, and the winning criteria. People are bound to ask you if they can join on mobile, so be sure to link them here!
  • Take a team photo and share it to tell others that you have started the challenge. 
  • If there are prizes for your challenge, this is a great moment to share what they are.

Are you gathering all your teams for a kick-off?

  • An inspiring guest speaker is always a good way to create engagement.

Want some tips on how you can create engagement?



Any questions?

We will get back to you as soon as possible. Our office hours are all working days from Monday-Friday between 08.00-16.00 Oslo time.