E-mail template for inviting team leaders

An e-mail template summarizing the core information your team leaders would need to be well informed and know what to do.

Hi [team leader]! 

[Something about why the organization thinks sustainability is important.]

That is why we are running a Ducky Challenge, [XX dates]. And your [team/company] is competing against all the other [teams/companies]!

Ducky Challenge is a [X]-week team challenge, where you compete in doing simple sustainable actions saving the most CO2e.

Here are the Link to the [name of your Ducky Challenge] for you to participate. 

What is the role of a team leader?

As [team leader] we need you to be a bridge between your [team/company], and us as coordinators of the competition, to help us communicate and engage the whole organisation. 

  • Help informing your [team/company] about the competition to anchor the story behind. 
  • Help inviting your teams - spreading the invitation link and help videos in relevant channels
  • Remind your team during the competition (in weekly meetings, post on internal channels etc. ) to boost engagement and get more participants to join.  Using statistics from the Ducky Challenge can be of good help.   
  • If time, arranging social activities that enhances the topic and leverages the engagement in the Challenge can boost the outcome of the competition. Possibilities of building engagement is wide, here are some tips to leverage social engagement during a Ducky Challenge.
  • If participants need help, you can point them to the Ducky Challenge support pages or support@ducky.eco.

How does the Ducky Challenge work?

  • Participants only register positive savings for [1-2 weeks]. 
  • All savings are average values for your country, so everyone competes on an equal basis
  • Participants pick from a pre-defined list of efficient climate friendly activities

What does it require to participate?

  • Log actions you do daily, and save CO2e for your team. These might be actions you already do, or some new ones you want to challenge yourself on!
  • Compete against other teams!

How do I participate?

  • Follow the invitation link in this email - register account, find your team and you are good to go to register your daily actions!
  • Recommend adding the Ducky Challenge web-page to your mobile home screen for easy access.

Help videos

Ready to go? 

Do not hesitate to take ownership to leverage the competition in your [team/company]!  

Here are the Link to the [name of your Ducky Challenge] for you to participate.